Fjällhästen’s hostel

Fjällhästens hostel in the early spring. Photo: Warginna
The hostel
Fjällhästen’s hostel is at the centre of Ammarnäs. The hostel has 24 beds (bunk beds) distributed in rooms with 4-6 beds. The kitchen is fully equipped with among other things refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave oven. Common room with plenty of seats. Shower and lavatory on the second floor and three showers and lavatory downstairs and a large sauna.

The kitchen at the hostel. Photo: Warginna
- Sleeping accommodation for adults costs 250 SEK per person.
- Youths up to 16 years of age pay 125 SEK per night.
- Bed linen 70 SEK per set if you don’t bring your own.
Contact us for price information if you want to rent the whole house.
The phone number to Fjällhästen is +46 952 60300.

Bedroom at the hostel. Foto: Warginna
Way description
When you’ve crossed the bridge in Ammarnäs turn left at the crossing. Drive past the Ammarnäs Mountain Hotel (Ammarnäsgården) on your left side and the guesthouse Jonsstugan to the right of the road. About 150 metres after Jonsstugan Fjällhästen’s hostel is to the right of the road. It’s a detached red house with a high white fence in front of it. Turn right and park in the yard.